Speaking Engagements
Recently Featured
Council on Foreign Relations
Harvard University
World Affairs Council
Chemonics International
G20 Civil Society Summit
Featured in the following publications and media outlets:
The Hilltop - 11/7/22 - Biden Administration Seeks Young Professionals For Upcoming U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit
Dire Italia 11/15/22 - “Con Biden più voce ai diritti, non solo per il Black Lives Matter”: parola degli attivisti"
National Security Innovation Network (NSIN) 3/1/22 -- “Gender Diversity and National Security Innovation”
ft. Congressman Joaquin Castro, Asha Castleberry-Hernandez, Won Paulisoul, and Desiree Cormier-Smith
Presenting Lifetime Achievement Award to US Department of State's first-ever Chief Diversity Officer Amb. Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley
Alexandria J. Maloney, BPIA Presidential Candidate Video on the Future of BPIA
Speaker, G20 Civil Society Summit 2020
"Young People Driving Global Governance and Local Action" Watch Here